Why do I procrastinate

Because I’m too attentive to things going around. I can be easily distracted, and when I feel I’m vulnerable in that sense, I postpone anything I’m doing. I want to “preserve” the task from myself.

— “This is not the right time.”, I keep saying it to myself silently and intimately.

I don’t want to see me spoiling it at that moment when, with a bit more planning and organization, it could be done later.

It has been many years now since I left the “corporate world” in which every task is potentially late already and people are waiting for you. I don’t live that life anymore. I can control my time and the things I need to deliver to keep a running business. So instead of answering that email while I’m waiting at the dentist’s room, I can wait until the appointment is over and take my time to write a proper answer.

Maybe I care too much about my work now; the output. I don’t want to see it half-baked, neither do I want to handle it to others knowing it is not in ideal shape.

What about rework? As for every half-baked work there will always be the risk of having to fix it. Think about a half-baked French croissant coming out from your hypothetical bakery as the perfect anecdote.

At this moment of writing my wife and kids got home and I had to give it a break. Well, since I am half way into this text, I don’t think I can postpone it now, so it is officially half-baked. How ironic…