Tag: video
— “What if we make an exception for this particular user? He said he wanted to use our product in a different way, his own way.”
UAP seen from our balcony
We were able to film this event from our balcony in December 2024 amidst the recent wave of UFOs, drones, and UAP appearances, mostly in the US but also in other parts of the world, such as here in São Paulo. Below is a similar event filmed in the US. And here a third one,…
Science and Scientific Research 101 Master Class
Yes, it’s him and he made it again. Neil deGrasse Tyson is really the best Science communicator of our time. And here is Sabine, who is much harsher than Neil on her comments. Since she is German and doesn’t live in the USA, she’s completely fine in burning bridges with celebrities from that country, namely…
This Is the Optimal Exercise Routine
As highlighted later in the video, this is optimal for health if taken consistently over time. This is not in any way “optimal” for specific sports, a.k.a. Performance Training, as each individual sport has its specific training characteristics for building performance. That said, here is the optimal weekly routine for cardiovascular health. Total time approx:…
Your MVP: lab x real customer
This is the difference between your MVP when tested in the lab by friends and parents, and when used in production by real customers.
Esta manobra nunca poderia ter sido realizada no Brasil
Além da rampa, do atleta e da bike, há um componente crítico para que essa manobra desse certo. O colchão de desaceleração. Sim. Aquele colchão de ar que desacelera o biker de 60km/h até zero em menos de 1 segundo nunca seria imaginado por aqui. Pense em alguém propondo essa solução numa reunião: “Aí o…
The most honest and precise definition of 21st century Brazil you can find on the Internet
This is Roberto Mangabeira Unger. Português “O Brasil é uma das sociedades mais desiguais na história da humanidade. Mas nós somos agora, sobretudo, medíocres. O aparato produtivo está desqualificado e os brasileiros estão sem equipamento cognitivo, sem as competências necessárias para participar da economia do conhecimento. Então, o país, há vários governos, é comandado por…
Folding Reality with AI
Life is beginning to imitate art in a very sophisticated way now. Samuel Khan — the founder of Khan Academy — presents the new AI assistant the company is rolling out soon within its learning platform. At this point in the presentation he gives an example of student who wants to interact with Jay Gatsby,…