Tag: pensata

  • The Framework is your Learning Framework

    The creator of PHP, Rasmus Lerdorf (video below), has an interesting take on development frameworks. “They all suck”, as he says. I had mixed feelings the first time I watched this video. In fact, I felt kind of frustrated. At the time, I was learning CodeIgniter and believed it would be easier to stick to…

  • Blogs are Dead. This is an Autobiography.

    I’m so glad to know that one of my reasons to keep writing online coincides with one of Derek Sivers‘: to make original content that I wrote accessible to public AIs, so maybe one day it will be able to make something that resembles me some way, some how… Quote from Derek’s “now” page on…

  • Success comes from simplifying validated products

    People want products with less features. People want simpler features.

  • Note Taking, revisited

    Draft I’m not taking as many notes as I was used to take. It has nothing to do with motivation, but with function or… utility. Until before the C-19 pandemics, note taking was for me a form of extending my brain from an utilitarian perspective. My note included pieces of knowledge I understood were “closer…

  • UAI

    In case you are Brazilian, you must be thinking I’m crazy. In some regions of Brazil, “UAI” sounds like a gentle form of “WTF”. That’s not what I mean. UAI stands for Useful Artificial Intelligence. Useful to me, at least. Instead of labeling AI to every piece of artificial intelligence I see around — and…

  • Slow Reading Books

    Slow reading books is a joy. I’m rereading the entire Dune Chronicles, and I’m doing it slowly. At the time of this writing I’m reading the first book, Dune, alongside a handful of other books I’m reading for the first time. The main reason I can read slow is because all the typical “reader’s expectations”…

  • Fonts and Spreadsheets

    I’m working on a hobby project of building a “Mathematics applied to Finance” course. That means using a spreadsheet to build basic business finance scenarios without using any functions but formulas with the typical addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations. Yes, old school. As I was working on the spreadsheet with some examples, I decided…

  • I know the AI I don’t want

    I know the AI I don’t want

    I don’t know the AI that I want. I prefer to wait for a big surprise. I’m assuming it’s going to be a very positive one. I know for sure the AI I don’t want. I’ve got to the conclusion after not much thinking about it. I don’t want an AI that makes tyrants intelligent.…

  • Words and Maturity

    Words are very powerful symbols. Sentences? Even more so. It takes courage to write in public when maturity arrives. Your words can provoke ideas and judgments from others. Judgments from others, if also made public, can test your maturity and your ability to accept them. Images and symbols are not as straightforward as words. At…

  • Pinterest for Breakfast

    There’s nothing better than starting the day with a few minutes on Pinterest. An endless stream of images curated by an algorithm that has been trained to satisfy you. You’ll only see topics of your interest. It’s perfect. News? They’re basically lies that make up a big global psyops movement. The only news worth look…