Tag: 2023

  • It’s not about you

    Nobody cares about you, they only care about how you can help them. Keep the reader in mind when you write content. Justin Welsh https://www.justinwelsh.me/about

  • Working with VirtualBox

    this is a stub VirtualBox is the shorthand name for Oracle VM VirtualBox, a virtualization product that allows people and companies to run multiple operating systems into computers/servers. I use VirtualBox to run Windows 10 instances on my Linux computers. Sometimes I need to test or research a specific tool that runs on Windows only,…

  • GPT Wars

    People are using ChatGPT to automate the publication of comments and replies to Twitter posts. So far, only a handful of smart tech-savvy early-adopters was able to build that mechanism. On the other side of the street is the rest of us still typing things out of our own heads. Once we all have GPT…

  • The Day Brazil put Google Executives in Panic

    The penalty set by Brazilian public prosecutors was 200k USD per hour if Google insisted in keeping that tiny paragraph next to the search box. It was removed hours later. Google execs were called by Brazil’s supreme court to clarify the situation in an audience in Brasília whis week.

  • The Inside Story of ChatGPT’s Astonishing Potential

    Mind boggling. I made the title of this post the same as the video’s because there’s no better way to describe it.

  • The Universe is the Answer

    The Universe is the Answer

    The Universe is the answer. What are the questions? — Elon Musk on the meaning of life (2023)

  • New PR on a Mountain Bike ride in São Paulo city

    29.2km/h or 18.14mph average speed

  • Analog Transformation

    At the moment I am writing this there are dozens of new discussions on A.I. that I am not part of. I am away from those discussions but, at the same time, I know very well what is at their core: disruption, change, transformation etc. Artificial Intelligence is synonymous to radical digital transformation. Fair enough.…