Tag: 2023

  • Finalmente: o Óbvio

    Esperei 30 anos para receber um aviso de cobrança de energia elétrica por email como este abaixo. Algo simples e que funciona. Um MVP da cobrança. É claro que há espaço para mais. A “Data de vencimento” pode seguir a linha do bloco ao lado e exibir “Quando vou pagar”. “Quer pagar com PIX? Aqui…

  • Musk’s Contribution to Consumption Ratio

    Musk’s Contribution to Consumption Ratio

    Try to be useful. Do things that are useful to your fellow human beings. To the world. It’s very hard to be useful. Very hard. Are you contributing more than you consume? Try to have a positive net contribution to society. I think that’s the thing to aim for. If you live a useful life.…

  • Cloudflare’s DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTPS domains

    There are three domains available. Each one of them works under a certain scope. Malware blocking security.cloudflare-dns.com Malware and adult content blocking (including search results) family.cloudflare-dns.com Internet privacy (adult content is accessible) one.one.one.one When neither DoT nor DoH are available If your home wi-fi router/modem does not support DoT nor DoH, you can still change…

  • Why do I procrastinate

    Because I’m too attentive to things going around. I can be easily distracted, and when I feel I’m vulnerable in that sense, I postpone anything I’m doing. I want to “preserve” the task from myself. — “This is not the right time.”, I keep saying it to myself silently and intimately. I don’t want to…

  • Bug na UI do EduxeGo

    Até uma certa largura de viewport, tudo ok. Ao se diminuir um pouco mais a largura.

  • Bug in 2023 La Vuelta’s stage rankings page

    Time gaps look completely crazy after the 9th spot in the ranking. A correct ranking would show riders in ascending order according to their time gaps with the winner rider, a figure which can only increase. What we see is that the gap sometimes increases, other times decreases. For example, 10th place rider Vlasov crossed…

  • Bug no portal C6 Pay

    O widget de resumo mostra os totais no período, mas o grid não carrega as transações. Como isto pode ir para produção sem que ninguém perceba?