Dealing with fear

I’ve got and interesting insight from Laurence Endersen’s “Pebbles of Perception” about how we could be dealing with a type of fear we feel that is based solely on immaterial things, thoughts or ideas.

The fear which resides only in our head.

In contrast to this type of fear, the most obvious type of fear occurs when we live a real situation of imminent loss or pain, like running into a tiger 🐅 in the middle of the street.

This fear is part of the real world, could be understood and justifiable.

How can we deal, then, with the immaterial fear since it resides only in our head?

Endersen suggests a simple technique: materialize the fear. Turn it into a thing, then move it.

In his book, he uses an example of a cloud. You take the fear our of your head, put it into a cloud and let it flow away from you.

I’d suggest another exercise — if I may.

Let’s assume I fear getting old and physically weak. That is an imaginary self projection of me in the future being weak and fragile. If I could make a drawing of me, a self-portrait, showing how I’d look like 40 years from now then hold it up in the air so a passing bird could take it with its bick that would help me feel detached from the idea.

It will be no longer with me.

Well, I did the test and I can say it works like a charm.

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