This Is the Optimal Exercise Routine

As highlighted later in the video, this is optimal for health if taken consistently over time. This is not in any way “optimal” for specific sports, a.k.a. Performance Training, as each individual sport has its specific training characteristics for building performance.

That said, here is the optimal weekly routine for cardiovascular health.

  • 1 one hour long cardio training
  • 1 HIIT where the optimal time would be 4 x 90% capacity for 4 minutes with a four minute interval for resting. Some people can’t sustain 90% for that long, as they would probably fall out of breath. So it’d also work to reduce the peaks’ duration and keep the recovery intervals but then do more sets. It seems that the goal is to have a 30 min total HIIT session.
  • 2 strength sessions. Since the session can’t be 1 hour long, as it would conflict with the long cardio session above, we can assume it would be less than 45 minutes.

Total time approx: 2,5 hours of training per week