Tag: security

  • Cloudflare Turnstile Integration using Pure Procedural PHP

    Cloudflare Turnstile Integration using Pure Procedural PHP

    I’ve built a simple boilerplate that puts the integration up and running in 2 minutes using procedural PHP. No JS, sorry. https://github.com/rodolphoarruda/cloudflare-turnstile-php Here is a live demo. Type in any data to the field and submit it.

  • Opsec updates 2023 – Windows

    last updated on July 23, 2023 I have recently switched back to Windows after being an Ubuntu user for 16 years. Reasons are lightly stated in a previous post if you care checking them out. Barbie (land) is at the local movie theaters right now and so am I into the Microsoft mindset for personal…

  • App Privacy Rules for Bubble.io

    It is inspiring to see more and more content being published about low-code no-code (LCNC) security. It is a sign that LCNC apps are finally leaving the labs and hitting the markets to be used in production. When a product launches into production, there are a handful of assumptions users make about it, such as:…