Tag: product management

  • Exceptions

    — “What if we make an exception for this particular user? He said he wanted to use our product in a different way, his own way.”

  • How Low Can You Go?

    We were using this eSignature SaaS for collecting signatures from customers. One day, a key user came to me to say that users were complaining because they had to fill-in a long identification form before they could sign the contract — which makes sense because all that information would be added to the contract itself.…

  • Success comes from simplifying validated products

    People want products with less features. People want simpler features.

  • Evernote Feature Wishlist

    last updated

  • Product Bets and Value-Added Activities within the Dev Team

    by James Shore https://www.jamesshore.com/v2/blog/2024/a-useful-productivity-measure “I have introduced the idea of “Product Bets.” Each major initiative needs a Product Bet Proposal. It’s a short, one-page document that explains: In order for a proposal to be accepted, a member of the Leadership team needs to sponsor it, take accountability for its success, and convince the other Leadership…

  • Bug na UI do EduxeGo

    Até uma certa largura de viewport, tudo ok. Ao se diminuir um pouco mais a largura.

  • The Ultimate Full-Stack Developer

    He/she is a full-code full-stack developer who now works in no-code development. He/she can deliver a fully functional production ready MVP in 4 days, not 4 months. He/she can organize the development workflow for the stakeholder group so its members can better participate in the project, especially when it is not a technical group. He/she…

  • Product Design

    Product Design

    python3 foo = ” Product Design” bar = foo*1000 print(bar) Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design Product Design Product…