Tag: pensata
Tell me what you don’t know
People on LinkedIn are now posting badges like crazy. Any micro 1h online course will offer its participants a completion badge. So I’m seeing things like “Congratulate this person for his/her new badge: How to say ‘hi’ to people in the morning” No, I’m not exaggerating. I’m seeing this at that level of granularity. It…
ChatGPT is an Alchemist
I’m 50% through The Alchemist right now. The last time I read it was more than 20 years ago. One of the discussions between the young traveller and the English man was about the fact that gold would start losing its value if alchemy turned to be simple. It was a hard practice to understand.…
GPT Wars
People are using ChatGPT to automate the publication of comments and replies to Twitter posts. So far, only a handful of smart tech-savvy early-adopters was able to build that mechanism. On the other side of the street is the rest of us still typing things out of our own heads. Once we all have GPT…
Analog Transformation
At the moment I am writing this there are dozens of new discussions on A.I. that I am not part of. I am away from those discussions but, at the same time, I know very well what is at their core: disruption, change, transformation etc. Artificial Intelligence is synonymous to radical digital transformation. Fair enough.…
“First-world problem”
I like Oliver Burkeman’s definition on his essay “Treat your to-read pile like a river, not a bucket” for what he calls a first-world problem: people concerned about not being able to keep up with their ever growing reading/listening/watching backlog. I agree with him. A lot of people get so nervous about information inflow, which…
Customers don’t care about the invisible
Days ago I wrote about the fact you can feel free to do things your own way because nobody’s watching you. This time I feel something slightly different. Customers are looking at you. They look at your company, but they only see what’s visible. They see the tip of the iceberg. They don’t see the…
Dealing with fear
I’ve got and interesting insight from Laurence Endersen’s “Pebbles of Perception” about how we could be dealing with a type of fear we feel that is based solely on immaterial things, thoughts or ideas. The fear which resides only in our head. In contrast to this type of fear, the most obvious type of fear…
Intelectualidade e introspecção
A Lívia Lanzlaster postou em seu blog uma tradução do interessante “The Crisis of the Intellectual Life” da Zena Hitz, e nele há indicações que eu considero muito precisas sobre o que a autora chama de “vida intelectual”, intellectual life. Em maio deste ano iniciei uma jornada literária com a leitura dos livros da série…