Tag: opinion

  • MVP


    The Minimum Viable Product, of course. The least you think your product needs to be understood and convert some users. Somebody sent me this image this morning and asked my opinion about it. I don’t get the sad and neutral face to the skateboard, the kick scooter and the bike. Riding any of them can…

  • Big waves of technical evolution

    Someone asked me how Bitcoin stands next to other technological marvels of our recent history. In my view, these are the “big waves” of technological evolution that change everything on their path.

  • The most honest and precise definition of 21st century Brazil you can find on the Internet

    This is Roberto Mangabeira Unger. Português “O Brasil é uma das sociedades mais desiguais na história da humanidade. Mas nós somos agora, sobretudo, medíocres. O aparato produtivo está desqualificado e os brasileiros estão sem equipamento cognitivo, sem as competências necessárias para participar da economia do conhecimento. Então, o país, há vários governos, é comandado por…

  • 35a Bienal de São Paulo

    35a Bienal de São Paulo

    Péssima. A pior que já visitei desde o começo do século, quando tomei gosto pelo evento e passei a prestigiá-lo em todas as edições. Tudo muito feio e largado. Uma pobreza estética sem fim. Como esta folha de papel em branco pendurada na parede. A foto de capa sou eu numa das instalações.

  • You are not a magician, you are an entertainer

    People are very creative now when describing themselves in the ‘About’ section of their LinkedIn profile pages. Are we really capable of describing ourselves accurately? How good are we in the task of evaluating ourselves and describing difficult aspects of us like ‘competencies’? No, not a magician. Maybe you are in the business of making…

  • The Ultimate Full-Stack Developer

    He/she is a full-code full-stack developer who now works in no-code development. He/she can deliver a fully functional production ready MVP in 4 days, not 4 months. He/she can organize the development workflow for the stakeholder group so its members can better participate in the project, especially when it is not a technical group. He/she…

  • What Dune Chronicles Mean to Me

    What Dune Chronicles Mean to Me

    300 days of reading. 8 books. More than 4 thousand pages. And I’m here to write something about what Dune meant to me. It was a life changing experience. I feel like one of those people who had climbed the Mt. Everest or ran a marathon, or had finished a doctorate program. I have witnessed…

  • “First-world problem”

    I like Oliver Burkeman’s definition on his essay “Treat your to-read pile like a river, not a bucket” for what he calls a first-world problem: people concerned about not being able to keep up with their ever growing reading/listening/watching backlog. I agree with him. A lot of people get so nervous about information inflow, which…

  • State of password hashing and web sign-in (2023)

    This must be the third time only this week that I’ve seen people raising flags about how extra cautious any dev team must be when implementing password hashing and sign-in processes. (source)