Tag: Google

  • Google Finance in Brazil

    As of today, December 2024, Internet users cannot get the current USD to BRL currency conversion from the Google Finance service. The Brazilian authorities prohibited the company to make the information available after it started to present a different value than the one traded in the local stock market. Several sources in the X.com network…

  • It’s 2024. AI creates more than 25% of Google’s code.

    A couple of weeks ago I was discussing with a handful of other people in LinkedIn how they keep their backups. It was interesting to know that people are more concerned about keeping their data safe. Some were using local servers and even SANs to run their backups. Nice! One comment caught my attention, though,…

  • Validação de formato de CPF no Google Forms usando expressão regular

    Atenção: a expressão não faz a consistência do CPF com seus dígitos de controle. Ou seja, o preenchimento de números iguais passaria na validação, por exemplo, 111.111.111-11

  • The Day Brazil put Google Executives in Panic

    The penalty set by Brazilian public prosecutors was 200k USD per hour if Google insisted in keeping that tiny paragraph next to the search box. It was removed hours later. Google execs were called by Brazil’s supreme court to clarify the situation in an audience in Brasília whis week.

  • A Mente do CEO

    Este vídeo tem tudo que você precisa escutar e entender sobre o papel de um CEO numa empresa global de tecnologia. Eric Schmidt foi CEO do Google por muitos anos e teve papel fundamental: No crescimento orgânico da empresa através de um framework de contratação de talentos que levou a Google para novos patamares de…