Tag: business

  • Endomarketing (2023)

    Endomarketing é o conjunto de práticas de comunicação que uma empresa adota para mobilizar seus colaboradores e parceiros. Um “marketing para dentro”. Dias atrás visitei o varejista Nicom para comprar materiais para uma pintura de ambientes. Fiquei surpreso com a transparência e com a simplicidade na comunicação interna sobre as metas comerciais da empresa. Os…

  • It’s not about you

    Nobody cares about you, they only care about how you can help them. Keep the reader in mind when you write content. Justin Welsh https://www.justinwelsh.me/about

  • Customers don’t care about the invisible

    Days ago I wrote about the fact you can feel free to do things your own way because nobody’s watching you. This time I feel something slightly different. Customers are looking at you. They look at your company, but they only see what’s visible. They see the tip of the iceberg. They don’t see the…