Tag: 2025
Provador (2)
Depois de ter feito este outro provador que considerei o trabalho mais desafiador até então, fiz um novo, pintado de branco. Não foi tão desafiador como o primeiro. Desta vez investi nas ferramentas certas para trabalhar com madeira dura (Cambará).
Cloudflare Turnstile Integration using Pure Procedural PHP
I’ve built a simple boilerplate that puts the integration up and running in 2 minutes using procedural PHP. No JS, sorry. https://github.com/rodolphoarruda/cloudflare-turnstile-php Here is a live demo. Type in any data to the field and submit it.
The Framework is your Learning Framework
The creator of PHP, Rasmus Lerdorf (video below), has an interesting take on development frameworks. “They all suck”, as he says. I had mixed feelings the first time I watched this video. In fact, I felt kind of frustrated. At the time, I was learning CodeIgniter and believed it would be easier to stick to…
— “What if we make an exception for this particular user? He said he wanted to use our product in a different way, his own way.”
Codd’s 12 Rules
The year is 2025 and only now I learned about Edgard F. Codd’s 12 rules for database systems to be considered relational. For the records, I had my first contact with relational databases back in 1994. the rules Rule 0, The foundation rule: For any system that is advertised as, or claimed to be, a relational data…
Blogs are Dead. This is an Autobiography.
I’m so glad to know that one of my reasons to keep writing online coincides with one of Derek Sivers‘: to make original content that I wrote accessible to public AIs, so maybe one day it will be able to make something that resembles me some way, some how… Quote from Derek’s “now” page on…