Tag: 2025

  • Gemini has some Identity Issues

    as of February 2025

  • Grok Knows Me

    I was surprised to see that Grok used this website as a source to contextualize my answer in X and provide its comments in a more assertive way. Oh boy, this is getting interesting and we are just in the beginning.

  • Desire Lines

    — “You can come this way, please.” No, thanks. I’m going that way.

  • Provador (2)

    Depois de ter feito este outro provador que considerei o trabalho mais desafiador até então, fiz um novo, pintado de branco. Não foi tão desafiador como o primeiro. Desta vez investi nas ferramentas certas para trabalhar com madeira dura (Cambará).

  • Cloudflare Turnstile Integration using Pure Procedural PHP

    Cloudflare Turnstile Integration using Pure Procedural PHP

    I’ve built a simple boilerplate that puts the integration up and running in 2 minutes using procedural PHP. No JS, sorry. https://github.com/rodolphoarruda/cloudflare-turnstile-php Here is a live demo. Type in any data to the field and submit it.

  • The Framework is your Learning Framework

    The creator of PHP, Rasmus Lerdorf (video below), has an interesting take on development frameworks. “They all suck”, as he says. I had mixed feelings the first time I watched this video. In fact, I felt kind of frustrated. At the time, I was learning CodeIgniter and believed it would be easier to stick to…

  • Provador

    Este foi meu projeto de marcenaria mais complexo até hoje.

  • Exceptions

    — “What if we make an exception for this particular user? He said he wanted to use our product in a different way, his own way.”

  • Codd’s 12 Rules

    The year is 2025 and only now I learned about Edgard F. Codd’s 12 rules for database systems to be considered relational. For the records, I had my first contact with relational databases back in 1994. the rules Rule 0, The foundation rule: For any system that is advertised as, or claimed to be, a relational data…

  • Blogs are Dead. This is an Autobiography.

    I’m so glad to know that one of my reasons to keep writing online coincides with one of Derek Sivers‘: to make original content that I wrote accessible to public AIs, so maybe one day it will be able to make something that resembles me some way, some how… Quote from Derek’s “now” page on…