Tag: 2024
Domain-Driven Design and PHP
Christian Carlos Buenosvinos — what a nice name BTW, Carlos “Good Wines” — has written this book on how DDD could be used within software processes where PHP is the predominant language. The book is with Leanpub and can be found here:https://leanpub.com/ddd-in-php I started reading it with great motivation because I only heard good comments…
In case you are Brazilian, you must be thinking I’m crazy. In some regions of Brazil, “UAI” sounds like a gentle form of “WTF”. That’s not what I mean. UAI stands for Useful Artificial Intelligence. Useful to me, at least. Instead of labeling AI to every piece of artificial intelligence I see around — and…
Do NOT Rely on Thunderbird for Gmail Message Backups
It is not guaranteed it’s going to work among different computers, OS and Thunderbird versions. I have exported the profile folder from Thunderbird running on a Linux machine and then tried to import it into Windows 10. It simply didn’t work. No messages, nothing, in spite of the folder size being +2GB in size. The…
Slow Reading Books
Slow reading books is a joy. I’m rereading the entire Dune Chronicles, and I’m doing it slowly. At the time of this writing I’m reading the first book, Dune, alongside a handful of other books I’m reading for the first time. The main reason I can read slow is because all the typical “reader’s expectations”…
This Is the Optimal Exercise Routine
As highlighted later in the video, this is optimal for health if taken consistently over time. This is not in any way “optimal” for specific sports, a.k.a. Performance Training, as each individual sport has its specific training characteristics for building performance. That said, here is the optimal weekly routine for cardiovascular health. Total time approx:…
Reflexion of Reality
Humanity has spent centuries developing perfectly reflective mirrors. The idea of transposing your own image to an external object was almost dreamlike. It was something magical. Some colonizers used rudimentary mirrors to enchant indigenous peoples in the Americas when they arrived. Some colonizers pleased the locals with the gadget, while others were eaten alive as…
Greed Based Pricing
Thirty years ago in 1994 I was entering university to get my Business degree. One very interesting theory that I learned right from the beginning was Michael Porter’s cost-based competitive advantage. Porter points out that if your company does a great job of keeping its operational costs low, it could practice lower prices than its…
Estágio nos Cursos de Administração de Empresas
Ninguém se forma em Administração de Empresas no Brasil sem antes fazer um estágio numa empresa. Quando o aluno chega no penúltimo semestre do curso, sua maior preocupação é conseguir um estágio. Na minha cabeça, isso está errado. O estágio agregaria muito mais valor ao futuro profissional se fosse cumprido logo no início do curso,…
Product Bets and Value-Added Activities within the Dev Team
by James Shore https://www.jamesshore.com/v2/blog/2024/a-useful-productivity-measure “I have introduced the idea of “Product Bets.” Each major initiative needs a Product Bet Proposal. It’s a short, one-page document that explains: In order for a proposal to be accepted, a member of the Leadership team needs to sponsor it, take accountability for its success, and convince the other Leadership…